Martha Raye

For those of you too young to remember, Martha Raye was a singer who morphed into a comedic actress starting back in the 1930’s. As a child, I remember seeing her on television, usually performing some slapstick routine that cracked everyone up.
One particularly funny bit was during the Academy Awards presentation years ago, when she was a “presenter.” She was supposed to walk across the stage dressed very regally in a gown. Instead, she took several steps and then appeared to “trip” on something left onstage. That phony stumble broke the solemnity of the occasion and had the audience in stitches.
I got to know Maggie (as her friends knew her) when I worked in Summer Stock.
We spent several weeks together on different shows in different summers. She also contacted me when I was serving in Vietnam and she was touring to entertain the troops. (The full story is in my book "SWING.")
I found out after she passed away that she and my birth father, Louis Prima, had an affair back in the 1930’s. Maggie and I had such an affinity and shared so much in common that I have often wondered if she somehow “sensed” my connection to my birth father.
This video is from a REHEARSAL of "The Red Skelton Show" in 1963.